Sunday, September 5, 2010

Youth sailing at Savusavu Yacht Club, Fiji - great photos!

Freewind is safely moored at Nakama Creek, Savusavu, in the northern island of Vanua Levu, Fiji.
Freewind at Savusavu. Bay of Islands sailing  Savusavu. Freewind_Bay of Islands Sailing 
   Freewind moored at Savusavu, Fiji               Nakama Creek anchorage, Savusavu Bay      
This is Freewind's second home, where Ron has a long association with the Savusavu Junior Sailing Club, helping with the coaching, and carrying out the boat maintenance program and the building of a new fleet of Optimist sailing dinghies.
This year the club has had a real boost with the help of local sponsors, purchasing boats, rigs and upgrading the Laser fleet. This means that the older kids, who have outgrown the Optmists, can keep sailing with the club, and continue to train and improve their skills in a highly competitive international class.

Lasers require good sailing skills, and it has certainly given these talented young sailors an opportunity to display their seamanship and expert boat-handling abilities, sailing the Lasers around Savusavu Bay. But most of all - the Lasers are lots of fun, as you can see in these pictures, taken by Ron yesterday.
Sailing Savusavu 1 Freewind Bay of Islands         Sailing Savusav 2 Freewind Bay of Islands
The young sailors of the Savusavu Junior Sailing Club enjoying Saturday sailing
  Sailing Savusavu 3 Freewind Bay of Islands        Sailing Savusavu 6 Freewind Bay of Islands
Sailing Savusavu 4 Freewind Bay of Islands_     Sailing Savusavu 5 Freewind Bay of Islands_
Sailing Savusavu 8 Freewind Bay of Islands  Sailing Savusavu 10 Freewind Bay of Islands
                                                          Racing towards the finish line    
      Sailing Savusavu 7 Freewind Bay of Islands  Sailing Savusavu 9 Freewind Bay of Islands