Monday, July 23, 2012

Our Fiji Trip

Freewind’s crew, Eleanor, Melanie, and me – Dalia, joined Ron on Freewind for two weeks’ holiday in Fiji during the recent school break. We enjoyed the warm tropical weather and the good sailing and swimming and relaxed with friends on the waterfront. It was good to be back in ‘Fiji time’ in the land of the many smiles.Plantation Island

The sailing was pretty relaxed, and we even had dolphins to keep us company
Relaxing on deck Ahoy theredolphins!

From the ocean to the plate – fresh Mahimahi for dinner
Fresh Mahimahi Eleanor filleting the day's catch
 Fresh Mahimahi dinner

Sailing into Musket Cove, where the swimming and snorkelling were great
Sailing into Musket Cove IMGP3555 (Copy)Off for a swim...

The sunsets were spectacular…
Saweni sunset
Sunset in Denerau

It was good to meet up with old friends in Savusavu and once again enjoy the amazing views from our veranda
Savusavu market 1

Savusavu Market 2
Freewind in SavusavuDSCF1340 (Copy)DSCF1346 (Copy)DSCF1422 (Copy)

On Saturday, close to 20 Optimists and Lasers from the Savusavu Junior Sailing Club raced around the buoys in the bay, Eleanor and Melanie coming second in the Laser races.
Rigging the Laser Junior sailing 2 El and Mel - sailing Savusavu  DSCF1555 (Copy) DSCF1507 (Copy) DSCF1527 (Copy)

Thanks for a great holiday, Freewind!
Cheers, Freewind


Quote of the Day
There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.
- Water Rat,  from The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame