Monday, September 30, 2013

Tall Ships in the Bay of Islands

I don’t think the Bay of Islands has seen a display of tall ships as that expected here on the 3rd weekend of October*, since the days of the whaling ships over 150 years ago. Eight tall ships from around the world will be arriving in the Bay of Islands to cross the finish line of the Sydney to Opua race, which is part of the Australian’s Navy International Fleet Review, the centenary of the Australian Navy.
The New Zealand tall ships the
Tucker Thompson and the Spirit of New Zealand will also be there, and we are sure it will be a memorable sight.
*Oct 19-21, 2013,
  Tall ships race
Freewind will be out on our regular day trips on
Saturday, Oct 19th, Sunday, Oct 20th, and Monday, Oct 21st,
keeping an eye out for these wonderful matrons of the sea.
On Saturday the 19th, passengers can be dropped off in Russell at 4 pm so they can attend the Powhiri (formal Maori welcoming ceremony) for the visiting ships by the local community. This will include a Waka (Maori canoe) display in a re-enactment of some of the traditions of Russell’s colourful maritime history.
Freewind's day sailing trips leave at 10 am from Paihia or Russell and return at 4 pm. A 2-hour island stop and delicious lunch are included in the $90 trip price.
For reservations:

We look forward to seeing you on board,
Ron and the Freewind crew
  Great sail on Freewind_Bay of Islands

Oct 23: Indeed it was a great welcome; ships' crews said they were "overwhelmed" by the warm traditional welcome in Russell. The weather in the Bay was fantastic and the ships looked lovely anchored in the islands, see photos here.
Freewind at the Tall Ships Regatta,
Jan 2013

 Quote of the Day
I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.

--John Mansfield--