Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bays, Breezes, and Ball Games

While New Zealand is in the midst of Rugby World Cup frenzy, Freewind is making the most of the good weather up here in the Bay of Islands. A good south-westerly breeze accompanied us during last Thursday-Friday’s trip, as well as the friendly bottlenose dolphins.
                  Freewind - sailing Bay of Islands dolphin2 Freewind sailing, Bay of Islands

Thank you Tracey for the kind feedback on our Facebook page:

“Thanks for a great little trip around the Bay of Islands Ron. We all enjoyed ourselves doing as much or as little as we liked. A very pretty part of the world seen from a very special vessel. I think that you have left a huge impression on the boys. Thanks again, the Polson clan.”
Whether it’s celebrating the rugby, or someone’s birthday (we’ve celebrated 2 birthdays on board this month), it’s been a pleasure having everyone on board. With guests from Sweden and South Africa, Ireland and Hong Kong, it’s been great sharing your company and your appreciation of this special part of New Zealand.

Cabins on our January trips are starting to fill up, so if you are interested in joining us during late December - January, please contact us soon for dates and details. Plenty of space still available on Freewind's sailing trips in October - November.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Ron and the crew

Quote of the day:

I know who you are, but you'll have to wipe your feet.

-Capt. Richard Brown of the schooner America to Prince Albert of England, 1851