While the rest of the country has to contend with gale-force winds and heavy flooding, up here in the Bay of Islands it seems like an eternal summer. The sun has been shining consistently for the last 6 weeks with beautiful breezes to match. Perfect sailing conditions every day, and everyone has been enjoying the weather, scenery, and of course the amazing wildlife, particularly the bottlenose dolphins.
So, with the risk of being a bit repetitive, we’re posting our latest dolphin photos to share with you.
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Evening in the Bay – November 2011
Freewind and dolphins heading for Moturua Island
Photo action on Freewind’s deck
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The dolphins just didn’t want to leave
Spaces are filling up for our holiday season sailing trips, both day tours and overnight trips. We’d love to have you on board too – see trip details on www.sailbayofislands.com. Feel free to contact us with any queries you have about our sailing trips or your stay in the Bay of Islands.
See you on the water,
Ron and the crew
Quote of the day
It's not the towering sail, but the unseen wind that moves the ship ~ Proverb